You have likely heard before that music helps you study. But do they really go together? Well, it's a bit more complicated than a yes or no.
Studies have shown that music produces several positive effects on a human’s body and brain. Music activates both the left and right brain at the same time, which can maximise learning and improve memory.
Many people find music helps them concentrate while studying and working while others find it hard to focus with any background noise, though. So what’s the deal — does it help or not?
Keep reading to learn more about the pros and cons of studying with music and get some tips for making the most out of your study playlist.
How music can help you learn
Music can be a great tool for improving study habits and helping us to stay focused and motivated. There are many ways in which music can help us learn and study effectively.
It mostly helps in indirect ways, but those benefits can make a big difference.
Reduces your stress-level and improves your mood
Studying can be stressful, especially when you get a bit confused. If you feel overwhelmed by the subject, it becomes difficult to learn, right?
Research suggests that a good mood generally improves your learning outcomes. You’ll likely have more success with studying and learning new material when you’re feeling good.
Music helps to improve your mood, which can have a positive effect on your ability to learn and retain information.Music is an effective stress reducer as well. It will keep your stress at bay and put you in the learning mood.
Increases focus and trains your brain
According to several studies carried out, music can help your brain absorb and interpret new information more easily. If you struggle to make sense of new material, listening to music could make this process easier.
Perhaps one of the most compelling reasons to listen to music during a study session is because music is proven to help improve cognitive performance. Basically, music helps your brain function!
Music helps stimulate your brain, similar to the way exercise helps stimulate your body.
When studying, it can be easy to get distracted or lose focus. Listening to music can help you to concentrate and keep on task. Studies have shown that certain types of music can help to increase your ability to recall information. This is especially useful when it comes to studying for exams or memorising facts or figures.
Fills you with a sense of accomplishment
Finally, music can help you to stay motivated. Listening to music can give you a boost of energy and help you to remain focused on your goals. Music can also provide you with a sense of accomplishment and help you to keep going when tasks may seem daunting.
Ever wondered why it’s easier to memorize the lyrics to a song than the periodic table of elements? That’s because your brain looks for patterns to better understand, recall, and process information. It’s the same reason why music producers always put a hook in their songs since what is more commonly known as the earworm or catchy bit.
Things you need to watch out for when studying with background music
Not everyone finds music helpful for tasks that require concentration.
Keeping these tips in mind can help you find the most helpful music for study:
Choose the type of music wisely - study with instrumental music, not songs with lyrics
Music that is too loud or fast can distract you, so keep the volume low
Choosing music carefully can help you maximise its benefits
KnowledgePond Education is dedicated to helping learners succeed. While you continue to excel at your studies, please take advantage of our helpful resources and don’t forget your headphones!
Happy Learning & Good luck with your English! :)